My Autobiography

My name is Yasna Alejandra González Rodríguez. I was born on November 23rd in 1998 at Barros Luco Hospital. My parents are Nelson Gonzalez Yañez who is house painter and María Angélica Rodríguez who is housewife. I studied my whole primary school in Lo Espejo, at Sagrado Corazón School. After that, I continued my secondary education in Santiago, at Liceo Teresa Prats high school.
About my hobbies, I really like watching doctors tv shows (and that is weird because I hate seeing blood) and dancing, all the rhythms, but mainly salsa. It’s something that makes my soul feel full. My favorite singer ever is Justin Bieber. I like him since 2010 until now I’ve been to three concerts of him in Chile.
One characteristic to represent me is my laugh. The most of people laugh of my laugh and I don’t understand that!  Also I’m a sleepy person. I LOVE TO HAVE A LONG NAP! I think it’s my favorite hobby.

I currently study Chemistry and Pharmacy at Universidad de Chile. For me it’s a dream come true because I wanted this so much for long time. In the future I intend to be part of a makeup industry and be able to do my own products, that’s what really want!


  1. Nice autobiography
    But i hate Justin Bieber and i share your same hobby

  2. Doctors tv shows are amazing! :D
    Wow! you are a really fan of Justin Bieber! three concerts! Incredible!

  3. I love doctors tv shows too! It's funny the fact that you love them but you don't like blood haha Keep sleeping, is the best!


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